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Market Place For IP

Patent shelter is a first of its kind AI based platform to facilitate and encourage patent transaction activities in India and global marketplace.

India is making big moves in patent filing and registering for patent rights worldwide. However, patent resources are still not exploited in India to the fullest. Sharing the patent resources among companies and licensing the patent assets can boost the process of transferring patent knowledge into actual product/technology. Indian industries (Hi-tech and Engineering sectors) are in dire need to innovate and share their innovation among themselves. Patent shelter is conceptualized to address this situation.

Patent shelter is not only created to serve the Indian market. It’s a market place where patent owners and buyers are listed from all around the world. The platform provides the help of uniquely developed tools to sellers and buyers in facilitating the transaction/licensing activities. All the tools are proprietary and the data is highly secured so users can completely rely on us.

We are also encouraging the patent sharing process between companies towards making a collaborative development environment. Our solutions for companies (patent owners) would precisely benefit them to build products and solutions without the risk of getting sued.

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